Air Cushion

Air Cushion

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•Spinal Twist & Spinal Molding
–The discs of the spine have hydrogel properties that allow them to change from a liquid to a gel state depending upon the core temperature – much like Jell-O™!  You can take advantage of this to “mold” the curves of your spine into place.
–Performing this exercise is like hitting the “RESET” button on your spine.  It can redistribute the stress of gravity from your muscles back to your spine where it belongs, decreasing neck & low back pain and muscle soreness.
–To raise your core temperature and liquefy the discs, perform the Spinal Twist exercise.  This gets the bones of your spine moving.  Motion creates friction, and friction creates heat!  After you are done performing the Spinal Twist, you will be able to place a hand on your back and feel the warmth radiating from your spine.
•First, sit up straight and raise your arms to shoulder level with your elbows bent.  Also, keep your chin up to maintain the curve in your neck.  Then, pick a spot behind you and slowly twist your torso and neck to look at it.  You should rotate slowly at first to stretch your muscles, and gradually increase your speed as the discs begin to liquefy, increasing your ranges of motion.  Twist back and forth for at least 25 full rotations (50 half-rotations); if your spine is not warmed up after 25 repetitions, you may do another 25.
•Next, lie down with spinal supports under your neck (placed just above the shoulders, letting the head come all the way back) and under the small of your back.   Raising your knees will take some of the pressure off of your low back while performing this exercise.  Set a timer for 20 to 30 minutes, and relax!  It takes at least 20 minutes for the discs of your spine to cool and revert back to a gel state.
•The blood supply to the spinal discs atrophies (dies) after puberty (this is why you never find young children with disc problems).  The only way the discs stay healthy after this point is through motion; water & nutrients are pumped into the disc, and waste is pumped out, when you perform the Spinal Twist.  For optimal spinal health, these two exercises should be performed every morning right away when you wake up, and at night before you lie down to go to sleep – FOREVER!  Keeping your teeth healthy involves much more than just going to the dentist – likewise, spinal health can only be maintained through caring for your spine everyday, on a regular basis.

If you are interrupted after doing the Spinal Twist and do not give your spine a chance to cool down while molding the curves in place, be very mindful of your posture for the next half-hour.  The curves will set in whatever position you maintain during this time.  This warning also applies after you exercise, work in the garden, etc.  If you allow your spine to cool down in an abnormal position, the result with be muscle tension, soreness & pain!